Sailor Moon is the title of a Japanese media franchise created by Naoko Takeuchi. Our online store supplies all Sailor Moon Cosplay wig at best prices, just transform into heroines with our help now!
Real Object Photography, include stretched wig cap, short wigCan do custom-made style and wholesale(We use e-packet or registered airmail to ship wig item, if buyer need it more quickly, please contact us or write to us at: email: )
Long wig,110cm,include stretched wig cap,match the original character
Long wig,110cm,include stretched wig cap,match the original character
Long wig,100cm,green color,include stretched wig cap,match the original character
Long wig,100cm,include stretched wig cap,match the original character
Long wig,110cm,include stretched wig cap,match the original character
Short wig,include stretched wig cap,match the original character