Gundam Seed is an anime television series animated by Sunrise and directed by Mitsuo Fukuda.These anime cosplay wig all play the role of Athrun Zala, Kira Yamato, Lacus Clyne ,etc.These Gundam Seed Cosplay wig can be bought in our cosplay shop.Also,our website provides wholesale cosplay wig for your cosplay show and other activities.
Dark purple color, include wig cap,obey the original character
Short wig, include wig cap,obey the original character
Pink Long wig,include wig cap,obey the original character
Short wig,include wig cap,obey the original character
Short wig,include wig cap,obey the original character
Yellow short wig, include wig cap,obey the original character
Wig,include wig cap,obey the original character
Short wig,include wig cap,obey the original character
Short wig,include wig cap,obey the original character